Monday, 23 November 2015

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Rosemary and Sage

Packed Lunches - The Winter Essentials

This stuff is actually keeping me alive.

Hello people who simultaneously like to stay warm and satiated at the same time, I'm glad you're here. Full-time employment has been throwing me a few curve balls recently and I'll tell you for why.

Issue 1 - I’m still getting used to eating packed lunches again. 

Yes, whilst not the most distressing of situations to find oneself in (definitely watching too much of Lady C on I'm a Celebrity...) work has had mixed effects upon the way I view lunchtime. Part of me gets a child-like glee from rummaging through my lunch-bag - yes I take a bag of food to work with me because that is REAL LIFE - however, another part of me gets slightly anxious. I think this may be due to vividly remembering how back in days of infant school, 5-year old me once cried non-stop for an hour after discovering that my dad had packed me Dairylea spread sandwiches for lunch – of which I used to view with the same level of contempt as Cher now does her cosmetic surgeon. What was quite amusing was that I wasn’t upset because I couldn’t eat the sandwiches – I did – I ate everything regardless of how much I disliked it, but it was because I knew that my dad knew that I didn’t like Dairylea and my child brain couldn’t fathom why he would have done this this to me unless I was being punished. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Not so naughty 'nana bread

Birthdays, banana bread and braving the North!

Ayup Chucks!

It's been a little while for sure hasn't it? 
At least 11 days without writing a single word on this blog. 
*Rings bell*
*Rings bell again*
Repeat x 60

It may seem like inconsistency but I assure you it's not it's... spontaneity... Yes we'll go with that. Maybe people have been pleased by the absence of poor quality food images and incoherent rambling taking up the internet space, maybe people have been dismayed - the most likely outcome I can rationalize is that most people probably haven't noticed. Whatever the case, I'm back today with yet another recipe and a few more tales from the crypt  my life. The therapist who lives in my brain, tells me it's good to talk to other people about such things.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Chili-Garlic Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash

Getting those veggies in first thing - and actually liking them!

Hot, healthy and perfect for November!!!
Hello chums,

I hope you all had a fantastic bonfire night on Thursday and managed to find a lovely spot to watch all the wonderful, breath-taking, amazing, not at all over-done fireworks as they invaded our night sky in the same way selfie-whores took over social media!
Sorry, that came across a little bitter. I actually do really like fireworks and have nothing against the displays that often get put on, it's just that this year due to starting a new job, I didn't get time to enjoy a single firework. Nope, not one. Nada. I still haven't see any and am starting to believe that either a new brand of invisible rockets may have caught on or they are just purposely avoiding where I live (very rude). Regardless of this, I have most definitely heard them - all of them. Combine getting back into full working weeks with a ton of late night noise and it may be a bit clearer as to why I'm being a bit of a sour Susan. 

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Halloween Part 2: Cheesy Pumpkin Pasta and Re-living The Cursed

Hangovers Be Gone!!!

Oh. My. God.
Evening all,

Raise your hand if you drank near-illegal quantities of alcoholic beverages last night.

*Hand shoots up so fast that it dislocates shoulder*.

I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween and regardless of what you did and whatever your physical state has been in today, it was all a good laugh. I spent the evening round my friend Laura’s flat with her workmate Rob where all three of us got absolutely wrecked playing the ‘Hocus Pocus’ drinking game. If there’s anything that I have learnt from this Disney film, it’s that:

  • Bette Midler abuses her sisters too much.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker is a complete perve throughout the entire movie.
  • The other one barks too much.
  • The word ‘children’ is used an unacceptable amount of times.