Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Egg Scramble Stuffed Sweet Potato Breakfast Boats

Breaking some eggs (and out of the comfort zone)

Hello fellow internet user,

If you’re reading this, I’m going to presume that the device you are using to access this region of cyberspace is also capable of displaying the current time and date on it. If you were to take a brief moment to look at said date you would most likely observe that it’s now the 27th of January (depending on where on the globe you live). If you’re like me, this sudden realization of the time of month may come as a bit of a shock resulting in a very sharp intake of breath that causes you to momentarily forget how to breathe like a working adult and also causes you to nearly choke to death on the rice cake you were in mid-consumption of. Hopefully, not a lot of you are like me.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Easy Peasy Pita Pizzas

Meal Prep - A First Attempt

Hi guys, long time no type, hope all is well.



Me? Oh I’m chugging along just fine and dandy thank you very much.

*cricket chirping ensues*

Well now that we’ve caught up let’s play a quick game of ‘how do the two following words make your soul feel?’

Meal. Prep.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Mint Choc Chip 'Ice Cream'

New Year, New Goals, can we meet them?


Hello male/female/other internet user,

No there isn’t a mistake. Quick, easy, no machine, minimal ingredient mint choc chip ‘ice cream’ that’s good for you? It exists and it is waiting…

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Dairy-free Chicken Paprikash

Feeling hungry? Turn to Hungary!

Szia baratok!

So, 2015 has officially ended… well it ended a good few days ago now so I guess that’s a bit old news isn't it? So much for keeping up to date with the current comings and goings of the world. Hopefully, I'm not the only person who is still writing 2015 on all their important work documents etc? 

Your silence assures me that you too confess to this mishap.  

It's ok, old habits die hard you know, although truth be told I'll probably still be writing last year's date come mid-March. Maybe it's because I find it hard adjusting to even the most basic changes or maybe it's because there are a good number of fond 2015 memories still fluttering around my vast barren landscape of a brain, of which I like to regularly dwell over. Ooh the second option sounds nice, let's go with that one. 

*Vision goes blurry and magical twinkly music plays like in a flashback sequence from a Friends episode*.