Monday, 28 December 2015

Ho Ho Po(ridge)

Some festive ways to eat oats - Because I actually can't stop.

Mint Chocolate... Before or after eight, either is good for me.

Mince Pie... Screw Santa I'm having it.

Chocolate Orange...It most certainly isn't Terry's!


I realise that this blog is really just becoming an outlet for me to share how much I like to eat porridge in numerous formats. My Goodness, my life is just a complete roller-coaster of wild times and crazy shenanigans isn’t it?

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

Festive Treats For All!

Ooo-err! (Hello in West Country) from the land of Devonshire!

I am pleased to say that the time of year has finally arrived for me and the siblings to migrate south for Christmas. I would like to say that I migrate like a majestic European swallow but others would probably say it’s more like a sluggish fairy penguin whereby my sister wakes me up at half four in the morning, drags me to the car and ferries my slothy face five hours away to deepest realms of the countryside. Despite a trip that I’m sure is comparable in length to the distance between the shire and Mordor, I’m honestly just happy to have finally escaped the devil’s hell hole (often referred to as work) and am looking forward to spending the next week celebrating Christmas with my favourite F’s:

·         Family
·         Food
·         Frodo (my cat)

Friday, 18 December 2015

Healthy Cranberry Sauce

Christmas-ify that Turkey!

7 more sleeps to go!!!
Not long peeps, not long. A week in fact, fancy that. This morning’s post comes to you straight from the comfort of my bed (I feel we know each other well enough now – I am so hoping that you agree) and twill just be a quickie – behave.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Sweet Potato Shepard's Pie

Beats frankincense and myrrh any day!

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love myself gave to me an entire, hearty warming pie, with;
11 minutes drooling,
10 minutes dicing,
90 seconds aggressive mashing,
8 stomach rumbles,
7 blends of herbs,
6 sweet potatoes,
500 graaaaammmms (of lean mince),
4 large carrots,
3 cloves of garlic,
2 whole leeks,
And a cup of frozen peas!

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Let's. Get. Festive.

Mint and Chocolate - Meant to be

Squeaken squorken squaaarrgggg! – ‘Merry Christmas’ in Elf.

Yes, I speaks Elf.

Hi guys, hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas run-up and is not panicking over the fact that there is just not enough time to get everything done! Seriously, it’s the 9th already and I haven’t even found the time to write out my Christmas cards let alone shake my belly like a bowl full of jelly! 

Friday, 4 December 2015

November Porridge Favourites

Because Oats Damn It!

Good evening all, twill just be a quick one today.

Despite last week’s pity party, a combination of some very good friends and a Simpson’s advent calendar have managed to shake me out the crappy cocoon I was stuck in. Although, what has since emerged from said cocoon can only be described as a work-defective butterfly completely geared into Christmas overdrive mode.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Guilt-free cookie dough (vegan-friendly and gluten-free)

Instant mood booster

Better than Ben & Jerry's?
*Sighs* Hiiiiiiiiiiiii (name that sitcom!) 

Sorry to start off as a bit of a Debbie downer guys but I must admit that I've been feeling a bit low this week. In fact, I would even go as far to say that I got myself into a bit of a rut. You know the type, where you start feeling lost and become unsure of what you want to achieve out of life (let alone what you believe you actually can achieve). It sounds really obnoxious coming from a 23 year old who has definitely not had a great deal of life experience I know, but I think it's actually a very common theme amongst the generations raised with social media. If you have ever found yourself in a similar predicament, I promise that this is not your fault. You see, social media constantly sets people up to feel inadequate and it's not just due to the unhealthy comparisons we make between ourselves and others' life progress. The main issue is that from a young age, we are told that we can do anything and become anyone we want. We are unique, we are special, we are *hurts brain trying to think of correct word* destined *chooses incorrect word regardless*. The media along with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and even blogging to an extent constantly reinforce the belief that we are the most important person on the planet. People want to follow our feed, look through our pictures and keep tabs on our lives. 
I must be special right? I just got 561800 likes on my latest profile pic, right?! 
Unfortunately, all this does is set us up for disappointment when real life turns out to be a bit more REAL than internet life.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Rosemary and Sage

Packed Lunches - The Winter Essentials

This stuff is actually keeping me alive.

Hello people who simultaneously like to stay warm and satiated at the same time, I'm glad you're here. Full-time employment has been throwing me a few curve balls recently and I'll tell you for why.

Issue 1 - I’m still getting used to eating packed lunches again. 

Yes, whilst not the most distressing of situations to find oneself in (definitely watching too much of Lady C on I'm a Celebrity...) work has had mixed effects upon the way I view lunchtime. Part of me gets a child-like glee from rummaging through my lunch-bag - yes I take a bag of food to work with me because that is REAL LIFE - however, another part of me gets slightly anxious. I think this may be due to vividly remembering how back in days of infant school, 5-year old me once cried non-stop for an hour after discovering that my dad had packed me Dairylea spread sandwiches for lunch – of which I used to view with the same level of contempt as Cher now does her cosmetic surgeon. What was quite amusing was that I wasn’t upset because I couldn’t eat the sandwiches – I did – I ate everything regardless of how much I disliked it, but it was because I knew that my dad knew that I didn’t like Dairylea and my child brain couldn’t fathom why he would have done this this to me unless I was being punished. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Not so naughty 'nana bread

Birthdays, banana bread and braving the North!

Ayup Chucks!

It's been a little while for sure hasn't it? 
At least 11 days without writing a single word on this blog. 
*Rings bell*
*Rings bell again*
Repeat x 60

It may seem like inconsistency but I assure you it's not it's... spontaneity... Yes we'll go with that. Maybe people have been pleased by the absence of poor quality food images and incoherent rambling taking up the internet space, maybe people have been dismayed - the most likely outcome I can rationalize is that most people probably haven't noticed. Whatever the case, I'm back today with yet another recipe and a few more tales from the crypt  my life. The therapist who lives in my brain, tells me it's good to talk to other people about such things.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Chili-Garlic Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash

Getting those veggies in first thing - and actually liking them!

Hot, healthy and perfect for November!!!
Hello chums,

I hope you all had a fantastic bonfire night on Thursday and managed to find a lovely spot to watch all the wonderful, breath-taking, amazing, not at all over-done fireworks as they invaded our night sky in the same way selfie-whores took over social media!
Sorry, that came across a little bitter. I actually do really like fireworks and have nothing against the displays that often get put on, it's just that this year due to starting a new job, I didn't get time to enjoy a single firework. Nope, not one. Nada. I still haven't see any and am starting to believe that either a new brand of invisible rockets may have caught on or they are just purposely avoiding where I live (very rude). Regardless of this, I have most definitely heard them - all of them. Combine getting back into full working weeks with a ton of late night noise and it may be a bit clearer as to why I'm being a bit of a sour Susan. 

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Halloween Part 2: Cheesy Pumpkin Pasta and Re-living The Cursed

Hangovers Be Gone!!!

Oh. My. God.
Evening all,

Raise your hand if you drank near-illegal quantities of alcoholic beverages last night.

*Hand shoots up so fast that it dislocates shoulder*.

I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween and regardless of what you did and whatever your physical state has been in today, it was all a good laugh. I spent the evening round my friend Laura’s flat with her workmate Rob where all three of us got absolutely wrecked playing the ‘Hocus Pocus’ drinking game. If there’s anything that I have learnt from this Disney film, it’s that:

  • Bette Midler abuses her sisters too much.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker is a complete perve throughout the entire movie.
  • The other one barks too much.
  • The word ‘children’ is used an unacceptable amount of times.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Halloween Part 1: Getting cursed and pumpkin cream cheese recipe

Happy Halloween!!!

Wing of bat, toe of newt, a crap load of pumpkin, it's my favourite fruit!

Even though the heading of this post has already said it, Happy Halloween everybody!!!

Words cannot describe how happy I am that this day has finally arrived! If you're like me then you're more than ready for all the pumpkin carving, horror movies and of course mountains of treats that this night has to offer. However, before we get into all that good stuff I just want to give a quick apology and explanation as to why I haven't posted in a little while.

So, firstly please accept a mighty bucket of sincerest sorry. It's been well over a week since my last post which is a little bit odd considering that this blog is pretty much all I do, right?
Wrong! I'm happy to let you know that after months of searching and applying for every job I could find I have finally been given a break thanks to a very good friend of mine. My chum Katy managed to get me an interview at the company she works for and thankfully they've decided to give me a shot. Now, despite having only been there for four days, I can already tell that there's going to be a lot to learn, but I'm prepared to give it a go (everyone loves a tryer) and hopefully I'll be able to save up some money and begin to move towards finding out what I want to do with my life. This does mean that I'll have to reduce my blogging to around once a week or so but as I'm pretty sure that this blog doesn't really contribute much to society, it might actually be quite nice for everyone to get a break from my pumpkin obsessed posting ;).

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

October Oatmeal Fest

Oh The Horridge!!! (sorry couldn't resist)

Hi guys,

I recently realised that I haven’t posted anything porridge related on here for a while (and I’m not counting my pumpkin spiced granola as a porridge-related thing – granola is an entirely separate species as I’m sure you’re aware). So it’s been a good while since I shared a variety of my favourite breakfast – at least a month I would say.

‘Boo you whore!’

Yes, yes I know, How out of character for me, especially considering that I am a direct descendant of Goldilocks. I don’t need the blood work to prove this; I just know it’s true. However, my love for oats has not always been prevalent in my life and it got me wondering as to why. In fact I don't think I ever enjoyed oats as a child and my theory of explanation actually points to Goldilocks as the reason behind this. This classic children's tale is pretty well known - girl finds cottage - yadayadayada - eats some porridge, sits on her arse, naps in some beds - yadayadayada - bears come home and find her - yadayadayada - the end, but did anyone else ever get told the version of that story where the bears eat her alive at the end? I most certainly did!

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Fudgy Pumpkin Spiced Brownies

Oooey, Gooey and Oh so good for you!

Let the kids have the sweets! Keep these warm, moist, chocolate brownies all to yourself. Muahahahaha! (Just don't tell the kids).
Hi internet friends, hope you're having a spectacularly spooky October and are beginning to get very excited about Halloween (if you actually started getting excited about this back in September and have shamelessly decorated your room with all of Poundland's finest crap - don't worry, I assure you you're not alone). As an avid fan of all things Horror, there is just something about this time of year that gets me into a state of unadulterated euphoria. I just can't help but get overjoyed at the sight of every pumpkin, the crunch of every orange leaf and the viewing of every millisecond of my personal favorite horror-related show Release the Hounds. Trash at its best!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Creamy Coconut Pumpkin Curry

All the comfort of Korma with a healthy twist!

It's just a big helping of YES!!!
With the weather getting colder and the evenings already beginning to draw shorter, sometimes all you want is a good edible hug in the form of comfort food. Now, this term has a different connotation to everybody as we all have our own individual food love but I think we can all agree that no matter what that certain food may be, when encountered with it, we go weak at the knees, salivate uncontrollably and in some cases, begin worshiping it with offerings of ritual sacrifice... hopefully not on my own there. 

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Warming, Roasted Chicken and Sweet Potato Salad (Plus an Apple Cider Vinaigrette)

Perfect For Those Crisp Autumn Afternoons

Sprinkled with walnut pieces and dried cranberries, drizzled with a sweet vinaigrette and seasoned with mixed herbs, this is a salad that I actually enjoyed eating!
Salad. a controversial topic within the world of trying to eat healthily. Especially when it's ordered off of a restaurant menu be it from the slightly suave Jamie's Italian or the obscenely birthday-song obsessed Frankie and Benny's.
'What's so controversial about salad? Salad is well, salad right?'
Well my golden delicious apples, allow me to explain a few of the issues I have with this often sought-after dish and in turn why I rarely ever order one when eating out. 

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Healthy Pumpkin Spiced Granola

Eating All The Feelings

Well, it's finally happened. That moment that every blogger fears. Both dreaded and cursed alike by victims past, present and future. Nothing can stop it, it's inevitable, it has happened and it will probably happen again. No one is safe, nothing can stop it...

...My computer crashed and I lost an entire blog post. :(

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Apple Pie Oat Cakes (Low fat, gluten-free and vegan friendly!)

Nothing says Autumn like Apple Pie

Happy 1st of October!!! I cannot emphasize how excited I am that it's finally Halloween season! Not only is it now acceptable to watch horror films every night but we can also look forward to an avalanche of all things pumpkin, and i'm all about that pumpkin. From eerie Jack'o lanterns to warming spiced pies, I cannot wait to take advantage of this festive fruit. Squeeee! 
However today's recipe is not about pumpkin, it actually features another fruit that is abundant this time of year but is often overlooked. I don't want to be rude and call apples common but let's just say that back the 1900's apples would probably be the ones sweeping chimneys and picking pockets (assuming that is, fruit were intelligent beings capable of independent thought). 

Monday, 28 September 2015

Sweet and Smokey BBQ Bean Chili

Perfect for warming cold hands (and stomachs)

So, I am officially back from volunteering at Food Blogger Connect 2015 and my God... There are just not enough words for how amazing the entire experience was. Not only did I get to EAT an almost illegal quantity of incredible food and gain a huge amount of knowledge from experts in the food blogging industry, but I also got to hang out with an incredible group of people who made me feel both welcome and inspired at the same time. I can honestly hold my hands up and say that despite being more nervous than a prostitute in church when I first arrived, I enjoyed every moment (even the hard work) and would happily do it all over again.

Plus, the goody bag that I got to take home was so outrageously crammed full of treats that it made the ones that the Oscars do look like something you put in a park bin after your dog has been *ahem* busy.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes - 2 Ways

Served With Some Exciting News...

Double the lunch, double the pleasure!
Hello food friends (is it ok to call you that? Is it too soon?),
I'm going to start by apologizing for how rushed this post is going to be. In fact, I will probably come across a little frantic. The reason for this is because I am attempting to do something that does not come easily to most males - multitasking. At this current moment I am:
  1. Writing this post.
  2. Trying to organise with some friends what we are doing for new year's eve (IT'S OVER 3 MONTHS AWAY, WHY ARE WE ARRANGING THINGS NOW!)
  3. Buying my brother's birthday presents online.
  4. Watching The Great British Bake off #IfTamalgoesIwillkill
  5. Packing a bag full of three day's worth of clothes for a trip to London tomorrow.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Apple, Plum and Almond Crumble

This crumble is virtually fat-free but this post most definitely isn't!

Crumble... my ultimate weakness - give me that stodge!
As we fully go into Autumn now, everything has come alive with festive seasonal favorites; conkers are beginning to adorn the horse-chestnut trees, people are starting to wear flannel and Starbucks has brought back their pumpkin spiced latte! All of this improves my life significantly.
However, there is one other element to the Autumn/Winter seasons that always sends my spirit sky high and actually makes me grateful that its getting colder outside and that element is none other than the humble crumble. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

4 Ingredient Asian Marinade

Introducing: Eastern fury

Like me, this marinade is a bit saucy. Unlike me, this marinade pulls it off.

Hello tiny group of people who read these posts, can I just say how lovely you are (probably) looking today. Hope all is well on this wet, dreary and somewhat bleak September afternoon.
Today's recipe came about due to a recent change my current living situation. Whilst I am still living in my grandparents' bungalow whilst looking for a job #winningatlife a change has occurred, albeit not very dramatic. Nan and grandad recently decided that they want to purchase a new freezer and subsequently that means we now have to eat up what can only be described an entire year's food haul over the course of the next month. Give me strength. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Rum 'n' raisin banana 'ice cream'

Summer's not over yet!

This hybrid treat can help keep you both hot'n'cold (and a bit jolly).

Well, isn't this typical?
Over the last couple of weeks I've banged on endlessly about how 'winter is coming' and how 'it's time to start sleeping with a hot water bottle' and low and behold, we get into mid-September and mother nature decides to throw us a curve ball by clearing the skies and brightening the sun. I know what she's up to, her and her on-off boyfriend (global warming) are getting bored with their relationship and are trying to spice things up in order to make life more exciting. That's great for them, really it is, but we're all now faced with the problem of not knowing what the hell to wear when leaving the house. Sometimes it's blissfully warm but then suddenly gets cold, It may be a beautifully blue sky but with the off-chance of gale-force winds and don't even get me started whether or not it might rain (being England it definitely will but when and where... Ain't nobody got a clue!). Today I went out wearing denim shorts, converse trainers, an over-sized jumper and a Parker. It was like a less sexy, alternative, male version of Daisy Duke. It was in no way fair to subject the public to this.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Spinach and Egg Break-nests

What to eat apart from porridge in the morning?

Rest + Nest = Best
Hello good people of the internet! I hope life is treating you well. Is it? It better be, otherwise i'm going to have to have some stern words with life. Just a quickie to share this with you this evening but it's a goodun I promise.
Now, from looking at the pages of this blog you might get the slight impression that I like my oats in the morning and if you were to live with me you would probably be aware that I consume them practically everyday. Is this becoming a problem? Well, health-wise no, oats are brilliant for you and carry a whole host of nutritional benefits (see the Oat'ed to... page) but I can't shake the feeling that an insidious obsession is beginning to grow. Take last Sunday for example, a bunch of family members had come over to celebrate my Grandad's 79th birthday and the topic of food arose. People were talking about things that can be viewed as controversial such as vegan-ism and weight loss dieting etc and completely off the cusp I just loudly announced to everyone that I loved porridge and that I couldn't be without it :/. It was like coming out all over again... although my family probably found this declaration more surprising. Anyway, it dawned on me that it may be beneficial to both my gut and palate if I first admitted that I had a problem and secondly, switched up breakfast every now and again. So, here goes... 
I Alex Cornwell *raises hand in the Brownie oath position* may (definitely) have an addiction to oats. Phew! That feels better, but what am I going to do to change? Well sweet possum faces, I am going to try and have a breakfast that doesn't consist of porridge/overnight oats/baked oatmeal at least once a week. 

Baby steps. 

Sunday, 6 September 2015

A week in the life...

A "Swedish" Meal, All The Dogs In Essex and Board Game Induced Rage

It's Sunday!!!!!!!!
It may seem a bit odd to have this level of excitement as despite returning from travelling over a month ago, I am yet to find full-time employment ergo my weekdays aren't taken up with early morning starts and long days of arduous work. However, I am determined to maintain my enthusiasm towards Fridays, Saturdays and even Sundays, that way if when I do eventually find something, I'll be in the right state of mind for 9 till 5 life. It makes sense doesn't it? Yes, it does *reassures self with a cup of tea*. That's another thing about being unemployed, I am slowly morphing into my Nan, whereby I've started filling a lot of my time with what is known as 'pottering' as well as becoming dependent upon tea for sustenance. Just in case any of you don't know, 'pottering' is a term used for spending your time completing tasks of microscopic importance such as updating the phone book or dusting behind the radiator. Why?! No-one ever looks behind there! Anyway, in-between job hunting I have also tried to keep myself as sociable as possible in order to keep my mental tact in state. Here are some of the things, people, places and of course food that have made my week (Just in case you were interested).

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Pudding Porridge, 3 Ways

Who says breakfast has to be boring?

Banana bread...
Apple pie...
Blueberry muffin, oh my!
So folks, we're into September and you know what that means, right? Yep, it's the long-awaited return of the type of weather that makes you:
A) Wish you were a small rodent so that it would be acceptable for you to permanently sleep in a huge ball of cotton.
B) Purchase enough knitted jumpers to ensure that sheep across the nation look like they're on a calendar girls shoot. 
C) Seriously consider cutting off your ears because in all honesty, the threat of wind chill just isn't worth it.
Actually, if you live in the UK (the south-east in particular), you will know that the weather has been a little, shall we say, schizophrenic throughout the majority of August. We lost the sun a while ago, no-one's really sure where he went, he just sort of took off (probably eloping with that cow, the moon). In fact, I think that the sun must be the thing that walks out on us Brits most frequently during our lifetimes, usually when we need him most (weddings, BBQ's etc) and without any warning or explanation. Just gone. And yet, we will always welcome him back with open arms, beaming smiles and eternally devoted worship. What the hell? That is in no way fair! You know those relationships your mother warned you about when you were young? We're all in one people! With that big, burning bogey in the sky!

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Tuna Pasta Lasagne

Sounds odd, looks odd, tastes great!

I'm going to eat you... yes I am.
This creation came about after I was perusing (attempt to sound fancy) through a food booklet that I bought a while back from WHSmith's (attempt to be fancy - failed). This particular booklet is called 'Eat Right For Your Life' and is written by Lisa Middleton, a sports dietitian from Australia. Right off the bat, I knew that I was going to like it because not only is this little gem full of quick, simple and healthy recipes but the chapter layout displays what particular foods are especially good (and not so good) for different types of people at different stages of life and also lists the nutritional reasons behind these selections. I'll admit that even though I'm not a breastfeeding mother, nor a gym junkie, nor going through the menopause (gasp!), I still found this book to be a great read full of lots of helpful information about how to get the most out of your diet whatever your situation. 

Monday, 24 August 2015

I'm in prison?

Banged up in Bodmin

From Porridge at breakfast...
...To locked up by lunchtime.
It's not everyday that you get to experience life within the walls of a former old world prison, especially one that is renowned for being so full of ghosts that in 2005 Yvette Fielding and her Most Haunted team (including the girl who always thought that something ghostly was groping her bum) had to be called in. Whilst I cannot say that spending a day in a damp, Cornish prison was on the upper half of my bucket list (nor the lower half), when the opportunity to visit Bodmin Gaol arose during a visit to my parents in Devon, I simply couldn't refuse. A location steeped in tales of murder, execution, suffering and death; there was no way I could refuse my inner-macabre self this opportunity! So, after a little background reading followed by fueling up on some creamy coconut-custard porridge (see recipe below) my dad, mum, sister and I set off to see if there was any truth behind the ghostly legends of  Cornwall's most notorious prison. Was it really haunted? We had (well-under) 24 hours to find out...

Monday, 17 August 2015

Chocolate Drizzled Walnut Biscotti

Twice baked:Twice as many eaten

Dark, firm, Italian? Yes please.
Good things come in pairs right? At least, that's what people say and we're not exactly short of some prime examples to back up this claim e.g. Peaches and cream, rhubarb and custard, spaghetti and meatballs, Ant and Dec, Miley Cyrus and restraining orders, so it must be true to some extent. You see, lately, two wonderful additions have be introduced to my (ridiculously unexciting) life. The first is Italian cooking, which I've been fanatical about since returning from travelling around Europe where the majority of time was spent in Italy:
a) eating a lot of pizza
b) avoiding the overwhelming numbers of selfie stick sellers (I don't want one!!!) 

The second addition is a return of an old friend - The Great British Bake-off! If you live in the UK you will probably know that this show is the baking equivalent of upper-class porn where 12 contestants compete to bake the most delicious treats to satisfy the taste buds (and dark urges) of judges; Mary Berry a.k.a. the queen of all that is culinary and Paul Hollywood a.k.a. the male judge. Now, if you watch the show, you'll also know that last week was biscuit week and when I saw that the Italian classic biscotti was the featured signature bake, I knew I had to get involved. So whilst I fired up the oven and began talking to the ironing board as if it were Sue Perkins, I also began devising how to create a twice-baked treat that was so guiltless you could eat twice as many and not feel bad. The result ended up being my chocolate drizzled walnut biscotti. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Warm Peanut Butter Stuffed Peach Doughnuts

Peachy keen?

Warming, juicy, sweet,  gooey, nutty and crunchy - the only descriptive phrase I can't use for these is 'still existing' due to the fact that I ate them... All of them.

Now, I suppose this really can't be classed as a proper recipe as these 'doughnuts' are ridiculously quick and easy to make but I couldn't bring myself to not share them (It would be a crime to hoard them all for myself). These little golden rings can be eaten any time of day but are particularly good as a pre-workout snack due to: the peanut butter providing some protein which will keep you fueled and full up and the peach containing complex carbohydrates and natural sugars for energy, all whilst the cinnamon helps to keep your blood sugars stable to stop you from crashing. Gobble a few of these before a run and reap the benefits and even if you're not exercising, peaches are still a great source of vitamin A and can even help to regulate the immune system, helping you to stay feeling healthy and well.