Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Feed Me Seymour Friday!

(On a Wednesday)

Ok so I realise that my timing may be a little off and I'm pretty sure that even a snail would be able to tell you that it isn't Friday yet but before you ask 'well why the hell are you posting a full day of eating post on a day that isn't Friday then?'  Please allow me to explain myself.


There we go, I'm glad you understand, I knew you would ;)

It's definitely cool seeing what you eat as regular parts of your diet - well maybe 'cool' is a bit of an overstatement but it definitely is eye opening. Now, as I'm only doing these type of posts once a week, anyone who reads them will probably not get an actual clear view of what I eat from a day to day basis; so to provide a more transparent view into my nomming habits I have been monitoring myself a little more closely lately and have spotted quite a few recurring patterns. Some of these things I already knew but I have to confess that there are some foods that I eat way more often then I thought I did.

The foods that tend to make more public appearances than Queen Elizabeth herself include: Oats (big surprise there), potatoes (mainly the sweet variety), spinach, legumes (I like to say this word fancily like a posh person would say 'eeww whacko' - think Nigel Thornberry) such as chickpeas and kidney beans, wholemeal bread/wraps/pitas/rolls, nuts and nut butters (all of the nut butter), eggs, fruit - mainly bananas, apples and pears, broccoli, cucumber, peppers and peas... Peas? Yes, oddly enough it turns out that I actually eat peas most days of the week - who would have thought?

Honestly, I know that you probably have better things to do with your time but if you can, just keep track of what you eat in a week, the results may surprise you.

Anyway, here is what I ate on one of the days last week - ooh and as a fun little game see how many of the above foods pop up. I should note that I also drink around 2 litres of water a day usually along with some hot beverages like green tea etc and I would like to mention that today was a rest day in terms of exercise or rather it was a 'I can't be bothered to get off the sofa and would rather stretch out over it like a complete slug all evening'... day. As a result I don't think I ate as much (calorie wise) as I would normally but who hey, if the appetite's not there, it's not there.

Happy munching. x


Possible one of the weirdest meals I've ever had first thing in the morning. I would say don't jusdge me please but:
a) I don't care and
b) I'm sure nobody will because the Internet never judges anyone ever right? ;) 
Any who, yes that is a bowl of peas on the right, topped with black pepper because apparently I like to start the day giving myself a gentle kick in the throat. Next to the peas is one of my more regular staples - chocolate orange porridge (two portions worth of course) with cocoa powder, some orange extract and sweet freedom fruit syrup. Taste's just like Terry's - Bang.On.

Two of my baking favourites - especially the syrup, it's just... it's just freakin good stuff - like crack but less heady-messy.

Because I felt that I needed some more calories, I also munched on a small handful of walnuts. Some very good omegas there, plus I like to feel like a woodland squirrel in the early hours. In fact had it been warmer outside, I may have eaten these in the chestnut tree in the garden. 

Snack 1

A pretty basic bitch snack consisting of some black pepper ryvita crackers which were smeared with low fat cottage cheese and topped with cucumber, some celery sticks which were dipped into natural peanut butter (winning combo) and some big beastly strawberries. 


I fancied something Mexican on this day it seems and so attempted to create a vegan burrito that could rival even Chipotle. It's not all visible but pictured above is a mixture of brown rice, avocado, leftover bean chili and spinach all on top of a wholemeal tortilla wrap. I also had a pear on the side because I'm all about that pear, about that pear. This lunch was set to be brillo-pads, however I overstuffed the tortilla and as a result it fell apart on the chopping board. Hence I ended up not with a burrito but...

This. Tip: when a burrito fails, throw it all into a, add more chili on top and say its a burrito bowl and that's exactly what you were going for. 


Dad was round for dinner today so Nan prepared one of her and Grandad's latest go-to meals. Rice with kidney beans and green beans in a mango, honey and lime sauce topped with Jamaican jerk spiced lean pork chops. Very, very tasty but by this point I was quite riced out. 

Snack 2 

The last thing I ate were two organic oat cakes by the brand Nairn's. These were the super seeded variety (sounds like something off of Pokemon) and contained flaxseed, chia and sunflower seeds. These are a very nice biscuit substitute for me at the moment and do a great job at satiating hunger due to all the protein and healthy fats from the seeds. There's also no added sugar which is a bonus as although they don't have a very strong flavour - I like them. I do have a soft spot for blank canvas type foods hence my love for things like oats and pasta - they're just so versatile. 

Anyway, that was everything I ate on this particular day.Take from it what you will or take nothing from it at all. As I said last time, I don't make these posts to tell anyone what to eat but rather just to share ideas...

...And clearly because I maybe have too much spare time on my hands...

...I should get a budgie. 

See you later. :)

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