Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Healthy Cashew Cream

Dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free... 

...but not fat-free because otherwise what would be left?


Happy hump day people!

It’s just a quick visit to the inter-web today. I’ll admit that I’ve have been a bit preoccupied lately what with trying to discover what career I think I want to pursue – yes I’m so indecisive that I don’t even know what it is I want – hence this blog has been a little more than neglected.

On top of the job searching, I have also been putting together a very special post (one that may rock the boat a little). It’s taken some time to piece together so that it comes across the way I want it to and it may be ever so slightly controversial but it is definitely something that I need to do.
Soooooooo… we can look forward to that little nugget next week eh?

In brighter news, due to my grandparents being away for their yearly three-week caravan trip (living their lives like they give a damn) I have had some more free time in the kitchen meaning that I am by no means short of recipes to share with you.

As we really are well into July now I thought I’d start by getting into the swing of summer with a good old British classic that’s always common around this time of year.  

Strawberries and cream!!!

Ok, I know that once again I’m late to the party with this. Wimbledon is over, Murray won (congratulations by the way) and strawberry season itself is drawing to a close - but look at it this way, someone has to be late otherwise nobody would be able to appreciate those who are punctual. I’m actually kind of doing a public service to people who are organised enough to keep up to date with current events so yeah, you’re welcome (telling myself these lies helps me sleep at night).
Traditionally, those who are either middle class or on the rare occasion actual tennis enthusiasts will enjoy a bowl of strawberries and cream under the July sun whilst two people flail rackets about the place and grunt at each other in very suggestive ways. It’s a good laugh (or so I’ve heard, I’ve never actually been) but I’m sure the atmosphere is great. I think they serve Pimms so it must be great, there’s Pimms.

Anyway, as mentioned earlier, strawberries tend to go out of season post Wimbledon and so for the last bunch that I managed to harvest from the garden, I thought I’d have a go at creating a dairy-free cream alternative to enjoy alongside them. Once again as with most of my inspiration, the internet held the answer, this time in the form of cashews. Mmmmmmm cashews – one of my favourite nuts, if not the favourite – although I don’t like to discriminate too harshly between nuts, they are all just oh so very good.

This recipe is quick, simple and delicious to have alongside strawberries, peaches, scones, cakes, stirred into porridge, swirled into smoothies and slathered onto toast with jam.

What’s even better is that the base of the recipe can be flavoured multiple ways to create a huge variety of condiments ranging from a sweet orange spiced ‘butter cream’ to a savoury herbed ‘cream cheese’ - Future recipes to follow of course.

Now, it is probably worth mentioning that as the base of this cream is cashews, it is fairly high in fat. However, a good dose of said fat is of the monounsaturated variety which in *shudders* moderation (how I hate that word) is actually an ample part of a healthy diet. Cashews are also a great source of copper, magnesium, fibre and are cholesterol-free. So yes, this cream is fatty but it’s also good for you so no need for any guilt whatsoever as you dollop a spoonful onto your strawberries - just don’t eat the entire lot in one go whilst binge-watching Youtube. I can vouch that such behaviour does not so much leave you feeling powerful like Serena Williams but more rather squidgy like Homer Simpson.


Cashew Cream


  • 1 cup cashew nuts that have been soaked in water for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight)
  • ½-3/4 cup plant based milk of choice*
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tbsp sweetener of choice (I used truvia because I’m a predictable ox but make sure whatever you use, you sweeten to taste)


  • Place everything into a high powered blender and blend until everything is combined into a smooth creamy consistency.
  • That’s pretty much it – just store in the fridge in a sealed container and it should last for 1-2 weeks.

*Start with ½ cup and add more if needed, using ¾ cup makes the blending easier but the cream is slightly thinner – more dollopable (not really a word) than spreadable – however it does thicken up slightly when stored in the fridge and can be set even more if placed in the freezer for an hour or so. 

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